Tag Archives: Obamacare

Sometimes the Stupidity is Just too Much

We are just going to start off by saying that Obamacare, conceptually was solid. In practicality and application it has many flaws and nuasances that we as consumers and business owners are just beginning to see and not really understand.  

We are the only industrialized nation in the world without universal health care in one form or another. Being the United States of America, an oxymoron in and of itself, like to think that we know the answer to everything and that whatever it is we are doing it will be better than anything anyone else has… despite history showing us time and time again what we are really doing is pissing in the wind and hoping to jump out of the way before we get hit with it. 

Don’t get me wrong, the US has done some really awesome stuff… there are people at work in the government that are taking their jobs to heart and making every effort to actually better the world. We are not a perfect country… our government is not free from corruption… and what we invade other countries for to help them improve the lives of their citizens (so the government says) is the very thing we fail to do for ourselves. The last thing in the world the US government cares about is its own people. 

Now, I could write a book on that topic, backed by numerous examples to support that statement. But that isn’t really the point here. See I know what I am about to say is going to piss people off because they are going to react emotionally and not rationally. Once you get done ranting at me and actually think about what I am getting ready to see… hopefully you will see that I am right… or at least, not insane. 

Birth Control

Obamacare currently covers birth control for females. To me that is really pretty awesome because insurance stopped covering it about ten years ago… yet they continued to cover Viagra and other meds like it. The reason being is that erectile dysfunction is a medical condition that requires treatment… whereas birth control was elective and not medically necessary in most cases. So as insurance companies were looking at cutting cost they did what they could eliminate coverage for most elective meds and procedures. (Oh how I miss Partners insurance… perhaps the only insurance company ever that had the focus of the people it insured and not the companies or the doctors.)

Well, right now because there aren’t more important world issues, or even national issues to focus on… the University of Notre Dame has taken upon themselves to sue the Obama administration over governmental interference with the practicing of religion (which goes against our Constitutional rights) because Obamacare mandates that birth control must be covered. http://goo.gl/yTQn8R

Look, understand this right now. I don’t care what religion you practice or the spiritual path you chose to take. Awesome, believe in it, follow it, make it who you are and not something you just do and your life will be better for it. BUT don’t use it as a shield for stupidity and control. 

The university filed its lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. District Court in South Bend. It claims the mandate violates Notre Dame’s freedom to practice religion without government interference.

Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2013/12/notre-dame-sues-obama-administration-over-health-care-contraception-mandate-97603.html#ixzz2mRQaZC8m 
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Are you trying to tell me that every single person that attends or works at Notre Dame practices, believes and follows the exact same religion the exact same way? That no one there has any need for birth control to be covered… that trying to protect themselves from an unwanted pregnancy is wrong? 

Do you oppose Viagra being paid for by insurance, because while ED may be frustrating getting an erection is not essential to functioning as a human being. And should you want to go that route and try to tell me that a man being able to perform sexually is essential to his health than you damn well better believe a women being able to protect herself from being pregnant if she doesn’t want to be is essential to her health. 

And should you not want to agree with that then I say this, abortion has no longer become a Pro-Choice or Pro-Life (for fetus) it has now become a medically necessary procedure to ensure the health of the patient (the woman) from suffering undo anxiety, stress, frustration, possible diabetes, high blood pressure and weight gain should she not want to be pregnant. 

It is not longer an issue of “you can’t use it as a form of birth control” or what about the “rights of the father or the fetus” because NO WHERE in ANY of it are the rights of the woman being considered and now you want to take away or make it very difficult for a woman to take precautions to prevent an unwanted pregnancy because of her religious beliefs… or where she works and the beliefs of that institution?!

Wait, stop… you say she shouldn’t have had sex… well guess what, you don’t get pregnant every time you have sex. So there goes that flawed argument. 

Oh, she should have been in a committed relationship. Hey what about those that are in a committed relationship and still don’t want kids. Or the woman that had to endure the horrific experience of being raped and ending up pregnant?

Wait, let’s address the rights of the father. How about the ones that sit there and bitch about the fact that they didn’t want the baby did you stand there and make sure they used a condom? We hand out condoms in schools to encourage kids that are sexually active to be safe, yet we make huge frickin ordeals out of females taking birth control pills!

I worked at a Planned Parenthood, it was the most difficult job I ever had. I came home and hugged my kids every day. You know why, because you can not believe the number of young women and young men that came through those doors needing sex education, antibiotics for STDs and contraception and they had NO WHERE else to go. I sat there with girls of all educational and economic levels they color of their skin was just as diverse as they were. So many of them crying because they couldn’t go home and talk to their parents… no one had ever taken the time to teach them what they needed to do to protect themselves… and here they were finding out they were pregnant… that they had an STD or trying to get the morning after pill. 

Look, I don’t think that the government should step in and tell anyone how to practice their faith… and I don’t think any faith should stand there and tell anyone that they are not entitled to equal and fair coverage because of the beliefs of the institution. Just because the insurance has to cover it or offer it doesn’t mean that each individual is going to take advantage of it. But I can tell you this, if they were doing a better job at teaching abstinence, or sex after marriage… or at least educating the youth on the consequences of unprotected sex I wouldn’t have seen so many of their students.

I had a friend, married, devoted to her husband and her faith. They had (at the time) 5 kids living and 2 stillborns. Those stillbirths were the most horrific thing I have ever had to watch anyone that I cared about go through. I want you to know that woman never questioned her faith or why God would do that to her. All she wanted was to be able to take birth control pills because she didn’t want to have any more kids. 5 living and 2 stillborn, she had done more than her fair share of contributing to the procreation theory. She loved her husband and her kids… she didn’t want to NOT have sex with her husband because that would have caused a bunch of problems that didn’t need to be there… but she was equally afraid of what her husband would say should she start taking them… and worse, what if the people at church found out.

Here is an adult woman. Married. Loves her husband and her kids. Very involved in her church, very devote to her faith. TRAPPED into a situation that she shouldn’t have to be in. Forced to do something that she doesn’t want to do, have sex and run the risk of another baby… or don’t have sex and cause problems between her and her husband whom she loved!

For some reason, we as a society are okay with that. It’s okay as long as it is the woman that doesn’t have the choice. Why… that is what I want to know, why?

Why do we as a people allow that. There is nothing wrong with a woman taking birth control. We are not running short on populating this planet.  We are overrun with kids that are being born that parents don’t want.

Why once a female reaches the age of maturity, has her menstrual cycle for a year is she not educated and offered birth control. Why isn’t it explained to her the health benefits of taking the pill or other form of birth control. 

Stop thinking that just because you teach them about contraception it encourages them to have sex. Idiots, the more you make it taboo… the more you take away the options… the more you hide from them… THE MORE THEY WANT TO DO IT.

My car can go from 0 to 60 in seconds… doesn’t mean I floor it every time i turn the ignition on!